Wednesday, January 29, 2014

London Calling

Many people have a mantra they live by, a saying that goes perfectly with their life. Mine is : "Nothing could ever be easy" This past year, this saying has been proven true to me so many times and although it sounds so negative, I've learned to embrace it and accept the challenges that life throws at me, because hey what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

So over 12 hours ago, I began my journey traveling to Europe. I'm taking Virgin Atlantic to London, I have a layover for 5 hours then I take British Airways to Pisa, Italy where I'll take a bus to Florence. To say I still have a lot of traveling ahead of me is an understatement. Last minute I decided to take an extra luggage, and was going to check online to save money and time. Thankfully I did because I received an email from British Airways casually informing me my connecting flight to Italy has been cancelled! Like I said, Nothing could ever be easy. 

Fast forward 30 minutes from checking that email to me frantically leaving my house, my dog, and my town and heading to JFK hoping to fix this problem. Luckily for me Virgin Atlantic couldn't do anything! This problem was with British Airways and when I arrived in London I would have to deal with the airline directly. Obviously my first time traveling alone, overseas nonetheless, this would happen. It's okay though, because this won't be my last time traveling alone and worse things could have happened.

Leaving my parents and walking alone going through security alone and boarding the plane by myself was one of the moments Ill remember forever. I felt such a liberation in the pit of my stomach. At that moment I walked away, I knew my journey really started and I was on my own. Despite the setbacks, this is one of the greatest moments ever!

I arrived in London safely and after retrieving my own luggage (Shout out to my dad to workout out my arms this winter break so managing all this weight was easy!)  I worked out with British Airways a new flight. Now I'll be taking a different airline, Vueling Airlines, directly to Florence (which is great- No need to take an extra bus or train!) but instead of leaving at 11:20, my flight isn't until 3PM ( London time). So here I am, stuck in the London airport at Costa Coffee patiently waiting until 1PM so I can check in my luggage. It is currently 10:46 here and 5:46 back in NY so safe to say I'm exhausted. But that's the cost of traveling! Hopefully the rest of my trip goes as according to planned. In the meantime, I'm enjoying the British eye candy and hearing the amazing accents :)

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